Phantom Fantasy

To the man I’ve loved while single.

To the one who’s held my heart and never my hand.

To the person that does not exist beyond the walls of my memory.


I’m dating my fantasy. Lost in the idea of what should have been. Unable to see what still can be.


Look forward, wounded dreamer. Your future is not found within your imagination.

Look up, humbled heart. Your journey is full of wonder yet.


Time to break free from your memory.

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Getting Smaller

You made my world feel so big.

It was endless and full of hope. Big enough to hold dreams I could not have imagined. Something that held mysteries still to be explored.

I loved it. And I loved you for it.

You kept my eyes open and full of wonder. My feet were unsure, yet I danced with excitement for the future.

But I miss you, and the horizon is nearer, my world smaller.

My vision gets cloudy. My passion wanes. I can no longer imagine beyond what I see. Fear reigns in my dreams.

Open my eyes once again, to a new Love.

She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25

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